Friday, December 6, 2013

A Peace Filled Evening

I have finally made it to my spacious home. It is New Years Eve and I am too tired to bring any more joy to people, it is not like they need anymore. I've checked on Scrooge once or twice. He has being staying with family for a good portion of each day. He even gave his clerk a raise.
I will stay here for a few days. My days will be filled with eating, sleeping, and walking down to the village with my torch. I can finally rest. My bed is calling. Auf Wiedersehen! Cheerio! See you soon!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Done with Scrooge!

I visited Future last night. He, using sign language, told me of how Scrooge reacted to seeing his name on the gravestone. Scrooge pleaded and begged until saying he would change his future himself. I followed Scrooge today. He has really changed. he bought his clerks family a huge turkey and even gave him a raise. He joined his family for supper and had a wonderful time. I think our work here is done.

Scrooges Predicament.

I'm laughing while writing this. I had just finished putting food, growing vines and shrubs, and perfecting my hair when Scrooge walks in. The man was shaking in his slippers! He was clad in nightwear and looked to be so scared I was reminded of a tiny bunny from a child's past. I showed him his clerk's family. After a while he, still shaking, timidly asked whether Tiny Tim would survive. I can only look so far into the future so I told him I saw an empty chair and a lone crutch missing it's owner. I'm not laughing anymore.
Next i took him to his nephews party. He laughed and had fun even though they couldn't see him. It was an amazing sight. Scrooge will be handed off to Ghost of Christmas Future. He is a scary one that mute. Next post I hope Scrooge will have changed for the best.
400 × 300 -

Marley's Visit

Marley visited me today. He wanted me to lead an old friend of his on a better path. I talked to Christmas Past, who visited him earlier this night, and learned of Scrooges past. I knew that Scrooge was not a very good person currently, a lot of peoples troubles came from debt from this man. I don't know what I will do currently but taking him into sunshine might just be what he needs. I think his clerk's family may let him know what is going on around him. Maybe his nephew will help as well. I hate seeing people on corner of the street not being able to celebrate the holidays yet Scrooge has more than enough money and does nothing with it!
Today, Christmas Eve, I created gladness to the poor and destitute with out paying a penny. This man needs a mental adjustment before he has a riot on his head. I have to go mess up his room now, and curl my hair.